Senate Floor Schedule For Thursday, September 24, 2009
Morning Business until 11:00am with senators premitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each.
Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.2996, Interior Appropriations.
10:30am filing deadline for second degree amendments to H.R.2996.
The Senate has entered into an agreement with respect to the Interior Appropriations bill and the cloture motions with respect to the Interior Appropriations bill were withdrawn. The below listed amendments are the only amendments in order to the bill.
Carper #2456 (Black Carbon Emissions), (after entering this agreement Carper #2456 was withdrawn and Carper #2505 was agreed to in the Managers' package) Collins #2498 (Czars), pending; Isakson #2504, as modified (MLK papers and teachings preservation), pending; Vitter #2549; Ensign motion to recommit; Coburn #2482, 2463, 2480, 2523, 2466, 2483, 2468, and 2511, with a Feinstein second degree amendment in order to #2511 Feingold #2522; Reid #2531; Bingaman #2493, with a modification; (agreed to by consent in Managers' package); and Managers' amendment, if it has been cleared by the Managers and the Leaders (After entering this agreement, the Managers' package was agreed to)
No second degree amendments are in order prior to a vote except where noted.
During consideration of the bill, for debate only, Senators Murkowski and Thune will be recognized for up to 30 minutes each and Senator Boxer for up to 60 minutes.
Upon disposition of all amendments and the motion to recommit, the substitute amendment, as amended, will be agreed to, and the Senate will proceed to vote on passage of the bill, as amended.
Upon passage of the bill, the Senate will insist on its amendment, request a conference with the House on the disagreeing votes, and the Chair authorized to appoint Senate conferees. The conferees would be the Subcommittee plus Senator Inouye.
If a point of order is raised and sustained, it would be in order to offer another substitute amendment minus the offending provision.
Any votes in a sequence after the first vote will be limited to 10 minutes in duration, with 2 minutes for debate equally divided and controlled prior to each vote.