1) Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.J.Res. 59, Continuing Resolution: Invoked: 100-0
Passed H.R.3092, the Missing Children's Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2013
Passed Cal. # 13, 252, PREEMIE Act, by voice vote
Passed S. 793, Organization of the American States Reform
The Senate adopted the following resolutions by unanimous consent:
S. Res. 255, a resolution welcoming the Prime Minister of India to the United States for meetings to advance the United States-India partnership
S. Res. 256, designating the week of September 23, through 29, 2013, as "National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week"
S. Res. 257, Designating October 3, 2013, as "Jumpstart's Read for the Record Day"
S. Res. 258, supporting the goals and ideals of Infant Mortality Awareness Month, 2013
S. Res. 259, Designating September 2013 as "Campus Fire Safety Month"
S. Res. 260, Recognizing the month of October 2013 as "National Principals Month"