H.R.3940, to amend PL 96-597 to clarify the authority of the Secretary of Interior to extend grants and other assistance to facilitate political status public education programs for the peoples of the non-self-governing territories of the U.S. (with Bingaman Substitute amendment and title amendment)
H.R.1177 is the 5-Star Generals Commemorative Coin Act.
H.R.3219, Veterans' Insurance and Health Care Improvements Act., with Akaka substitute amendment which is the Veterans' Benefits Act of 2010 and a title amendment.
S.Res.469, a resolution recognizing the 60th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program in Thailand.
S.Res.646, a resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2010, as "Feed America Day".
S.Res.652, a resolution honoring Mr. Alfred Lind for his dedicated service to the United States of America during World War II as a member of the Armed Forces and a prisoner of war, and for his tireless efforts on behalf of other members of the Armed Forces touched by war.
S.Res.653: Designating Oct. 30, 2010 as a national day of remembrance for nuclear weapons program workers
S.Res.654: Designating December 18, 2010 as "Gold Star Wives Day".
S.Res.655, a resolution designating November 2010 as "Stomach Cancer Awareness Month" and supporting efforts to educate the public about stomach cancer.
S.Res.656, a resolution expressing support for the inaugural USA Science and Engineering Festival.
S.Res.657, a resolution celebrating the 75th anniversary of the dedication of the Hoover Dam.
S.Res.658, a resolution designating the week beginning October 17, 2010 as "National Character Counts Week".
S.Res.659, a resolution supporting "Lights on Afterschool", a national celebration of afterschool programs.
S.Res.660, a resolution expressing support for a public diplomacy program promoting advancements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics made by or in partnership with the people of the United States.