Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Concurred in House Amendments with amendments with respect to H.R.3619, Coast Guard Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011.
S.3774, a bill to extend the deadline for Social Services Block Grant expenditures of supplemental funds appropriated following disasters occurring in 2008.
H.R.4543, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4285 Payne Avenue in San Jose, California, as the "Anthony J. Cortese Post Office Building".
H.R.5341, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 100 Orndorf Drive in Brighton, Michigan, as the "Joyce Rogers Post Office Building".
H.R.5390, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 13301 Smith Road in Cleveland, Ohio, as the "David John Donafee Post Office Building".
H.R.5450, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3894 Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, as the "Tom Bradley Post Office Building".
S.685, Oil Spill Prevention Act of 2009 (with substitute amendment)
S.3794, Formerly Owned Resources for Veterans to Express Thanks for Service Act of 2010
H.R.1722, Telework Improvements Act of 2010 (with substitute amendment)
House Message with respect to S.3397, the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 (concurred in House Message)
S.Res.278, a resolution honoring the Hudson River School painters for their contributions to the United States Senate.
S.Res.573, a resolution urging the development of a comprehensive strategy to ensure stability in Somalia, and for other purposes.
S.Con.Res.52, a concurrent resolution expressing support for the designation of March 20 as a National Day of Recognition for Long-Term Care Physicians (with technical amendment).
S.Con.Res.72, a concurrent resolution recognizing the 45th anniversary of the White House Fellows Program.
H.Con.Res.319, recognizing the anniversary of the tragic shootings that occurred at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5, 2009.
S.Con.Res.74, honoring the 28th Infantry Division for serving and protecting the United States.
S.Res.667, a resolution recognizing the 40th anniversary of the Coastal States Organization;
S.Res.668, a resolution expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2010, as the "National Day on Writing";
S.Res.669, a resolution recognizing Filipino American History Month in October 2010;
S.Res.670, a resolution designating the week beginning on Monday, November 8, 2010, as "National Veterans History Project Week";
S.Res671, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Red Ribbon Week, 2010; and
S.Res672, a resolution designating October 9, 2010, as "National Chess Day"
Executive Calendar
Cal # 500 - Julie Reiskin - Legal Services Corp
Cal # 501 - Gloria Valencia-Weber - Legal Services Corp
Cal # 810 - Raul Yzguierre - Ambassador to the Dominican Republic
Cal #1009 - Sarah Raskin - Member Board of Governors - Federal Reserve
Cal #1010-1011 - Janet Yellen - Member/Chair Board of Governors Federal Reserve
Cal # 1054 - Anne M. Harrington - Deputy Administrator Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation
Cal #1102 - Joseph Hogsett - US Attorney for Southern District of IN
Cal #1103 - Michael Moore - US Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia
Cal #1104 - Beverly Harvard - US Marshal for the Northern District of Georgia
Cal #1105 - James Clark - US Marshal for the Western District of Kentucky
Cal #1106 - Kenneth Runde - US Marshal for Northern District of Iowa
Cal #1107 - Michael Bladel - US Marshal for Southern District of Iowa
Cal # 1108 - Steve Linkick - Inspector General of the Housing Finance Agency
Cal #1109 - Osvaldo Munet - Inspector General, Import Export Bank
Cal #1110 - Edward Brehm - African Development Foundation
Cal #1111 - Johnnie Carson - African Development Foundation
Cal #1112 - Mimi Alemayehou - Overseas Private Investment Bank
Cal #1113 - Duane Woeth - Council on Int'l Civil Aviation
Cal #1115 - Alexander A. Arivizu - Ambassador for Albania
Cal #1116 - Joseph Mussomeli - Ambassador for Slovenia
Cal #1121 - William C. Killian - US Attorney for Eastern District of TN
Cal #1122 - Robert O'Neill - US Attorney for Middle District of FL
Cal #1123 - Albert Najera - US Marshal for Eastern District of CA
Cal #1124 - William Sibert - US Marshal for Eastern District of MO
Cal #1125 - Myron Sutton - US Marshal for Northern District of IN
Cal #1126 - David Singer - US Marshal for Central District of CA
Cal #1127 - Jeffrey Holt - US Marshal for Western District of TN
Cal #1128 - Steven Stafford - US Marshal for Southern District of CA
Cal #1129 - Mary Minow - National Museum and Library Sciences Board
Cal #1130 - Subra Suresh - National Science Foundation
Cal #1131 - Pamela Young-Holmes - National Council on Disability
Cal #1132 - Harry Korrell - Legal Services Corp Board
Cal #1133 - Joseph Pietryzk - Legal Services Corp Board
Cal #1134 - Julie Reiskin - Legal Services Corp Board
Cal #1140- 1170 Military Promotions
Cal #1171 - David Buckley - Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency
Cal #1172 - Maria Raffinan - Associate Justice, D.C. Superior Court
Discharged from Committee and Confirmed
PN832 - Kevin Concannon - Commodity Credit Corp Board