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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, September 29, 2010

  • Concurred in House Amendments with amendments with respect to H.R.3619, Coast Guard Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011.
  • S.3774, a bill to extend the deadline for Social Services Block Grant expenditures of supplemental funds appropriated following disasters occurring in 2008.
  • H.R.6200, WIPA and PABSS Extension Act of 2010
  • H.R.1061, Hoh Indian Tribe Safe Homelands Act (with Cantwell amendment)
  • S.2847, Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM Act) (with Whitehouse amendment)
  • H.R.4543, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4285 Payne Avenue in San Jose, California, as the "Anthony J. Cortese Post Office Building".
  • H.R.5341, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 100 Orndorf Drive in Brighton, Michigan, as the "Joyce Rogers Post Office Building".
  • H.R.5390, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 13301 Smith Road in Cleveland, Ohio, as the "David John Donafee Post Office Building".
  • H.R.5450, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3894 Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, as the "Tom Bradley Post Office Building".
  • S.685, Oil Spill Prevention Act of 2009 (with substitute amendment)
  • S.3794, Formerly Owned Resources for Veterans to Express Thanks for Service Act of 2010
  • H.R.1722, Telework Improvements Act of 2010 (with substitute amendment)
  • House Message with respect to S.3397, the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 (concurred in House Message)
  • S.Res.278, a resolution honoring the Hudson River School painters for their contributions to the United States Senate.
  • S.Res.573, a resolution urging the development of a comprehensive strategy to ensure stability in Somalia, and for other purposes.
  • S.Con.Res.52, a concurrent resolution expressing support for the designation of March 20 as a National Day of Recognition for Long-Term Care Physicians (with technical amendment).
  • S.Con.Res.72, a concurrent resolution recognizing the 45th anniversary of the White House Fellows Program.
  • H.Con.Res.319, recognizing the anniversary of the tragic shootings that occurred at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5, 2009.
  • S.Con.Res.74, honoring the 28th Infantry Division for serving and protecting the United States.
  • S.Res.667, a resolution recognizing the 40th anniversary of the Coastal States Organization;
  • S.Res.668, a resolution expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2010, as the "National Day on Writing";
  • S.Res.669, a resolution recognizing Filipino American History Month in October 2010;
  • S.Res.670, a resolution designating the week beginning on Monday, November 8, 2010, as "National Veterans History Project Week";
  • S.Res671, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Red Ribbon Week, 2010; and
  • S.Res672, a resolution designating October 9, 2010, as "National Chess Day"
  • Executive Calendar
  • Cal # 500 - Julie Reiskin - Legal Services Corp
  • Cal # 501 - Gloria Valencia-Weber - Legal Services Corp
  • Cal # 810 - Raul Yzguierre - Ambassador to the Dominican Republic
  • Cal #1009 - Sarah Raskin - Member Board of Governors - Federal Reserve
  • Cal #1010-1011 - Janet Yellen - Member/Chair Board of Governors Federal Reserve
  • Cal # 1054 - Anne M. Harrington - Deputy Administrator Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation
  • Cal #1102 - Joseph Hogsett - US Attorney for Southern District of IN
  • Cal #1103 - Michael Moore - US Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia
  • Cal #1104 - Beverly Harvard - US Marshal for the Northern District of Georgia
  • Cal #1105 - James Clark - US Marshal for the Western District of Kentucky
  • Cal #1106 - Kenneth Runde - US Marshal for Northern District of Iowa
  • Cal #1107 - Michael Bladel - US Marshal for Southern District of Iowa
  • Cal # 1108 - Steve Linkick - Inspector General of the Housing Finance Agency
  • Cal #1109 - Osvaldo Munet - Inspector General, Import Export Bank
  • Cal #1110 - Edward Brehm - African Development Foundation
  • Cal #1111 - Johnnie Carson - African Development Foundation
  • Cal #1112 - Mimi Alemayehou - Overseas Private Investment Bank
  • Cal #1113 - Duane Woeth - Council on Int'l Civil Aviation
  • Cal #1115 - Alexander A. Arivizu - Ambassador for Albania
  • Cal #1116 - Joseph Mussomeli - Ambassador for Slovenia
  • Cal #1121 - William C. Killian - US Attorney for Eastern District of TN
  • Cal #1122 - Robert O'Neill - US Attorney for Middle District of FL
  • Cal #1123 - Albert Najera - US Marshal for Eastern District of CA
  • Cal #1124 - William Sibert - US Marshal for Eastern District of MO
  • Cal #1125 - Myron Sutton - US Marshal for Northern District of IN
  • Cal #1126 - David Singer - US Marshal for Central District of CA
  • Cal #1127 - Jeffrey Holt - US Marshal for Western District of TN
  • Cal #1128 - Steven Stafford - US Marshal for Southern District of CA
  • Cal #1129 - Mary Minow - National Museum and Library Sciences Board
  • Cal #1130 - Subra Suresh - National Science Foundation
  • Cal #1131 - Pamela Young-Holmes - National Council on Disability
  • Cal #1132 - Harry Korrell - Legal Services Corp Board
  • Cal #1133 - Joseph Pietryzk - Legal Services Corp Board
  • Cal #1134 - Julie Reiskin - Legal Services Corp Board
  • Cal #1140- 1170 Military Promotions
  • Cal #1171 - David Buckley - Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Cal #1172 - Maria Raffinan - Associate Justice, D.C. Superior Court
  • Discharged from Committee and Confirmed
  • PN832 - Kevin Concannon - Commodity Credit Corp Board
  • PN833 - Kathleen Merrigan - Commodity Credit Corp Board
  • PN 834 - James Miller - Commodity Credit Corp Board
  • PN836 - Dallas Tonsager - Commodity Credit Corp Board
  • PN1499 - Michael Ormsby - US Attorney for Eastern District of WA
  • PN1976 - Mark Green - US Attorney for Eastern District of OK
  • PN2071 - Paul Thielen - US Marshal for District of SD
  • PN2091 - Nancy Lindborg - USAID
  • PN2098 - Donald Steinberg - USAID
  • PN2128 - Cameron Munter - US Ambassador to Pakistan
  • PN1952 - Robert Mikulak - US Ambassador, Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  • PN1988 - Kristie Kenney - Ambassador to Thailand
  • PN1989 - Jo Ellen Powell - Ambassador to Mauritania
  • PN1991 - Mark Boulware - Ambassador to Chad
  • PN1992 - Christopher McMullen - Ambassador to Angola
  • PN1994 - Wanda Nesbitt - Ambassador to Namibia
  • PN1995 - Karen Steward - Ambassador to Lao People's Republic
  • PN2129 - Pamela White - Ambassador to Gambia
  • Treaties
  • Cal # 2 - Hague Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and Family Maintenance
  • Cal # 5 - Treaty with United Kingdom Concerning Defense Trade Cooperation
  • Cal # 6 - Treaty with Australia Concerning Defense and Trade Cooperation (w/ DeMint Amdt.)
  • Please note: The Senate will be in pro forma sessions until Nov. 12 so no nominations will be returned.