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Republican request to pass individual CRs and object to comprehensive continuing appropriations

This morning Republican senators asked unanimous consent to take up and pass several individual funding resolutions and one continuing appropriations bill. In each case, there was a Democratic counteroffer to modify the request to amend the applicable continuing resolution or bill to include an amendment  that would fund the rest of the federal government. Republicans objected to each request to modify and there was an objection to the original request.

Republican unanimous consent requests

Senator Cornyn asked unanimous consent the Senate take up and pass H.J.Res.70, making continuing appropriations for National Park operations, the Smithsonian Institution, the National Gallery of Art, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for fiscal year 2014. (Reid counteroffer and objection)

Senator McConnell asked unanimous consent the Senate take up and pass H.J.Res.72, making continuing appropriations for veterans benefits for fiscal year 2014. (Reid counter offer and objection)

Senator Blunt asked unanimous consent the Senate take up and pass H.J.Res.73, making continuing appropriations for the National Institute of Health for fiscal year 2014. (Durbin counter offer and objection)

Senator Thune asked unanimous consent that when the Senate receives H.R.3230, the Senate take up and pass and H.R.3230, making continuing appropriations during a Government shutdown to provide pay and allowances to members of the reserve component of the Armed Forces who perform inactive-duty training during such period. (Durbin counteroffer objection)

Democratic Counteroffer

I ask consent that the request be modified as follows:

That an amendment, which is at the desk, be agreed to; that the joint resolution, as amended, then be read a third time and passed; and the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate.  This amendment is the text that passed the Senate and is a clean continuing resolution for the entire government and is something that is already over in the House and reportedly has the support of a majority of the Members of the House of Representatives.