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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Friday, October 07, 2005

  • S.1858, Disaster Assistance Loans - Katrina
  • S.Res.237, a resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on reaching an agreement on the future status of Kosovo
  • S.Res.272, a resolution relating to honoring the life and achievements of Constance Baker Motley
  • S.Res.271, a resolution to designate the week beginning October 16, 2005 as "National Character Counts Week"
  • H.R.3765, Permit Processing (with Inhofe amendment)
  • H.R.397, Medicare Cost Sharing & Welfare Extension (with Grassley-Baucus substitute amendment)
  • H.Con.Res.161, a concurrent resolution authorizing use of Capitol Grounds
  • Adjournment Resolution (when received from the House)