Senate Floor Schedule for Thursday, October 13, 2011
Convenes: 10:00am
Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in morning business until 12:00pm with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each with the time equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees with the Republicans controlling the first 30 minutes and the Majority controlling the second 30 minutes.
At 12:00pm, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider the following nominations:
Calendar #251, Alison J. Nathan, of NY, to be US District Judge for the Southern District of New York
Calendar #252, Susan Owens Hickey, of AR, to be US District Judge for the Western District of Arkansas, and
Calendar #253, Katherine B. Forest, of NY, to be US District Judge for the Southern District of New York.
There will be up to 2 hours of debate on the nominations equally divided and controlled between Senators Leahy and Grassley or their designees. Upon the use or yielding back of time (approximately 2:00pm), the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nominations. Two roll call votes are expected; the third nomination is expected to be confirmed by consent.
At 4:00 p.m., His Excellency Lee Myung-bak, the President of the Republic of Korea, will address a Joint Meeting of Congress from the Hall of the House of Representatives in the U.S. Capitol. Senators should begin to gather in the Senate Chamber at 3:30 p.m. to depart at 3:40 p.m. for the procession to the Hall of the House.