Cloture having been invoked on the Inouye substitute amendment #738, the substitute amendment is agreed to and it is now considered original text for the purposes of further amendment. The remaining amendments which were scheduled for votes today remain in order notwithstanding cloture having been invoked; when the Senate resumes consideration of H.R.2112 on Tuesday, November 1st, the Senate will proceed to votes on the remaining amendments; and all other provisions of the previous order remain in effect.
The following amendments were agreed to by voice vote, en bloc:
- Portman #859;
- McCain #892;
- Cantwell #893, as modified, with the changes that are at the desk;
- Cochran #805, as modified, with the changes that are at the desk;
- Burr #890;
- Inouye #918; and
- Kyl #912, as modified.
The following amendments remain in order under the previous order and are expected to be voted on on Tuesday, November 1st:
- Coburn #800;
- Paul #821 (60-vote threshold);
- DeMint #763;
- Crapo #814 (60-vote threshold);
- Lee Motion to Recommit.
Following the disposition of the amendments above, the Senate will proceed to votes in relation to any remaining germane pending amendments in the order they were offered; further, upon disposition of any pending germane amendments, the bill, as amended, will be read a third time, and the Senate will proceed to vote on passage of the bill with no intervening action or debate; when the Senate receives a message from the House with respect to H.R.2112, the Senate will insist on its amendment, request, or agree to, a conference with the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses; and the Chair will be authorized to appoint the following conferees - Kohl, Harkin, Feinstein, Johnson (SD), Nelson (NE), Pryor, Brown (OH), Inouye, Murray, Mikulski, Blunt, Cochran, McConnell, Collins, Moran, Hoeven, Hutchison and Shelby.