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Executive nominations confirmed; Senate agrees to Cybersecurity consent; Senate passes S.799

The Senate confirmed the Furuta-Toy nomination by a vote of 93-0. There will be no further roll call votes this week. We anticipate a roll call vote on the nomination of Lawrence Vilardo (NY district judge) on Monday evening, October 26.

The Senate confirmed the following Executive nominations by voice vote:

  1. Executive Calendar #340 Dennis B. Hankins - to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Guinea;
  2. Executive Calendar #341 Harry K. Thomas, Jr. - to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Zimbabwe; and
  3. Executive Calendar #342 Robert Porter Jackson - to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Ghana.

The Senate then locked in consent to finish consideration of the Cybersecurity bill next week. On Tuesday, October 27, the post-cloture time on Burr-Feinstein substitute amendment #2716  will be considered expired and the Senate will vote in relation to the following amendments:

  1. Wyden amendment #2621, as modified;
  2. Heller amendment #2548, as modified;
  3. Leahy amendment #2587, as modified;
  4. Flake amendment #2582; and
  5. Franken amendment #2612, as further modified.

Following disposition of the Franken amendment, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm for the weekly caucus meetings; the time from 2:15pm until 4:00pm will be equally divided prior to roll call votes on the following:

  1. Coons amendment #2552;
  2. Cotton amendment #2581, as modified;
  3. Burr-Feinstein amendment #2716, as amended, if amended;
  4. Motion to invoke cloture on S.754, as amended; and
  5. Passage of S.754, as amended.

Therefore, on Tuesday, October 27th, senators should expect up to 5 roll call votes beginning at 11:00am and up to 5 roll call votes at 4:00pm.

The Senate also passed by unanimous consent Calendar #246, S.799 - a bill to combat the rise of prenatal opioid abuse and neonatal abstinence syndrome, with committee-reported substitute amendment.