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Schedule for Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Tuesday, October 27, 2015.

Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of S.754, Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015.

At 11:00am, the post-cloture time on Burr-Feinstein substitute amendment #2716  will be considered expired and the Senate will vote in relation to the following amendments:

  1. Wyden amendment #2621, as modified;
  2. Heller amendment #2548, as modified;
  3. Leahy amendment #2587, as modified;
  4. Flake amendment #2582; and
  5. Franken amendment #2612, as further modified.

Following disposition of the Franken amendment, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm for the weekly caucus meetings; the time from 2:15pm until 4:00pm will be equally divided prior to roll call votes on the following:

  1. Coons amendment #2552;
  2. Cotton amendment #2581, as modified;
  3. Burr-Feinstein amendment #2716, as amended, if amended;
  4. Motion to invoke cloture on S.754, as amended; and
  5. Passage of S.754, as amended.

Senators should expect up to 5 roll call votes beginning at 11:00am and up to 5 roll call votes at 4:00pm.

The following amendments are pending to S.754, Cybersecurity

-  Burr-Feinstein amendment #2716 (substitute)

-  Cotton #2581 (FBI/Secret Service), as modified to correct instruction line

-  Coons #2552 (Personal ID information scrub), as modified to correct instruction line

-  Flake #2582 (6 year sunset)

-  Franken #2612 (cybersecurity and cyber threat indicator definition), as modified to correct instruction line

-  Heller #2548 ("reasonably believe") as modified to correct instruction line

-  Leahy #2587 (Strike FOIA Exemption) , as modified to correct instruction line

-  Mikulski #2557 (Plus up Cyber funding OPM)

-  Whitehouse #2626, as modified (Cyber crime)

-  Wyden #2621 (Remove Personal ID information), as modified to correct instruction line