At approximately 12:05pm, there will be up to 2 roll call votes in relation to the following items:
- Motion to proceed to S.J.Res.6, Net Neutrality/FCC (majority threshold)
- Motion to proceed to S.J.Res.27, Cross Border Air Protection/EPA (majority threshold)
By unanimous consent, the afternoon series of votes will now begin at
1:45pm. Those votes will be in relation to the following items:
- McCain second degree amendment #928 (the text of S.1720) (60-vote threshold)
- Tester amendment #927 (the VOW to Hire Heroes Act)(60-vote threshold)
- Passage of H.R.674, the 3% Withholding Repeal Act, as amended, if amended
- Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.2354, the Energy and Water Appropriations bill (the expected vehicle for Energy & Water, Financial Services and Foreign Operations Appropriations bills).