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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, November 14, 2007

  • H.Con.Res.258, Correcting Resolution
  • S.597, Breast Cancer Research Stamp (with Feinstein technical amendment)
  • S.Res.299, a resolution recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali (with Menendez technical amendment)
  • S.Res.368, a resolution relating to the 20th regular meeting of the International Commission on the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna
  • S.Res.378, a resolution recognizing and thanking military families
  • S.Res.379, a resolution designating Thursday, November 15th as "Feed America Thursday"
  • S.Res.380, a resolution recognizing Hostelling International for 75 years of service
  • S.Res.381, a resolution remembering the lives and work of the Maryknoll Sisters
  • S.Res.382, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "World Diabetes Day"