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Vitter asks consent to vote on Vitter amendment (health care) to Drug Compounding bill/NDAA/freestanding bill--Reid objects

Senator Vitter asked unanimous consent that the only amendment in order to H.R.3204, Drug Quality and Security Act, be the Vitter amendment #2024 (Show Your Exemption Act) and a Democratic alternative; that there be 2 hours for debate prior to votes on the amendments; the amendments be subject to a 60-affirmative vote threshold; and that upon disposition of the Vitter and Democratic amendment, the bill, as amended, if amended, be read a third time and passed.

Senator Reid objected.

Senator Vitter then asked consent that the Senate pass H.R.3204, Drug Quality and Security Act; that the Senate then proceed to the consideration of S.1197, the National Defense Authorization Act; the Vitter amendment, which is at the desk, and a Democratic alternative, be called up and notwithstanding Rule 22, the Vitter and Democratic amendments remain in order, with no second degree amendments in order, and the amendments be subject to a 60-affirmative vote threshold for passage.

Senator Reid objected.

Senator Vitter then asked consent that the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee be discharged from further consideration of S.1629, Show Your Exemption Act. There be 60 minutes for debate equally divided, prior to a vote on passage of the bill. Finally, that the bill be subject to a 60-affirmative vote threshold.

Senator Reid objected.