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Agreement on Sportsmen's Act--up to 2 votes at 5:30pm Monday, November 26

The Senate has reached an agreement that results in up to 2 roll call votes at 5:30pm on Monday, November 26. Those votes would be in relation to the following items:

-       Motion to waive Budget Act, with respect to Reid for Tester substitute amendment #2875, if a point of order is raised; and

-       Passage of S.3525, Sportsmen's Act of 2012, as amended, if amended.

The agreement on the Sportsmen's Act is as follows:

On Monday, November 26 it be in order for Senator Sessions, or his designee, to be recognized in order to raise a Budget Act point of order against the Reid for Tester amendment #2875, and that it be in order for Senator Reid, or his designee, to make a motion to waive the point of order;

Further that at 5:30pm on Monday, November 26, the Senate proceed to vote on the motion to waive, if raised; that if the motion to waive is successful, the Reid amendments #2876, 2877, 2878, and 2879 be withdrawn, en bloc; the Reid for Tester substitute amendment #2875 be agreed to; that no further amendments or motions be in order prior to a vote on passage of the bill; and the Senate proceed to vote on passage of S.3525, as amended, with no intervening action or debate; and

If the motion to waive is not successful, the Majority Leader be recognized.