1) Adoption of the conference report to accompany H.R.2112, the Agriculture, CJS and Transportation Appropriations bill; Adopted: 70-30
Passed H.R.2059, a bill to protect the safety of judges by extending the authority of the Judicial Conference to redact sensitive information contained in their financial disclosure reports, and for other purposes.
Passed H.R.2056, to instruct the Inspector General of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to study the impact of insured depository institution failures, and for other purposes with a Levin amendment
Passed H.R.3321, America's Cup Act of 2011 with a Feinstein substitute amendment
Passed S.99, the American Medical Isotopes Production Act of 2011 with a committee-reported substitute amendment and Bingaman amendment
Adopted S.Res.332, supporting the goals and ideals of American Education Week
Adopted S.Res.333, a resolution honoring former World War II U.S. POWs.