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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Monday, November 18, 2002

  • S.Con.Res.122, Cypriots Security resolution
  • S.2237, Veterans Benefits (concur in House amendment)
  • H.Con.Res.84, a resolution regarding the Red Ribbon Week promoting drug-free communities
  • S.754, Brand Name and Generic Drugs (with Leahy-Hatch amendment)
  • H.R.727, Low-Speed Electric Bicycles subject to Consumer Product Safety Act
  • H.R.5504, Improve Safety of Child Restraints
  • S.2951, F.A.A. Authorization (with Rockefeller-Hollings-McCain amendment)
  • H.R.2595, Land Conveyance Chatham County, Georgia
  • H.R.4070, Social Security Program Protection (with Baucus-Grassley substitute amendment)
  • S.2949, Aviation Security (with Hollings-McCain amendment and Hollings-Rockefeller-McCain amendment)