1) Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar ##381, the nomination of Robert Leon Wilkins, of the District of Columbia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit; Not Invoked: 53-38-1 present
2) Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S.1197, the National Defense Authorization Act; Invoked: 91-0
Passed H.R.3204, the Drug Quality and Security Act by voice vote.
Adopted S.Res.165, calling for the release from prison of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko in light of the recent European Court of Human Rights Ruling with committee-reported substitute amendments to resolution and the preamble.
Passed S.1545, a bill to extend authorities related to global HIV/AIDS and to promote oversight of United States programs with committee-reported amendments and a Corker-Menendez amendment.
Discharged the Veterans' Affairs committee and passed S.1471, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of the Army to reconsider decisions to inter or honor the memory of a person in a national cemetery, and for other purposes with a Sanders amendment.
Adopted S.Res.298, a resolution to authorize testimony, documents, and representation in the United States v. Allen.