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Up to 2 roll call votes at 5pm re: Gitmo amendments to S.1197, NDAA

The Senate has reached an agreement that results in a series of 2 roll call votes at 5:00pm tonight. Those votes will be in relation to the amendments listed below. Each amendment is subject to a 60-affirmative vote threshold.

-          Ayotte #2255 (Guantanamo)

-          Levin-MCain-Feinstein #2175 (Guantanamo)

Unanimous consent agreement

Reid:    Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the pending motion to recommit be withdrawn; that the pending Levin amendment #2123 be set aside for Senator Ayotte, or designee, to offer amendment #2255, relative to Guantanamo; that the amendment be subject to a relevant side-by-side amendment, which is #2175 from Senators Levin and McCain; that no second degree amendments be in order to either of the Guantanamo amendments; that each of these amendments be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold; that the time until 5pm be equally divided between the two Leaders, or their designees; that at 5pm, the Senate proceed to vote in relation to the Ayotte amendment #2255; that upon disposition of the Ayotte amendment, the Senate proceed to vote in relation to the Levin-McCain amendment #2123; that there be two minutes equally divided in between the votes; further, that no motions to recommit be in order during the consideration of S.1197.