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Cloture filed on Mamet, Bell, Coloretti, Adler, Burrows, and Lopez nominations

This evening Senator Reid filed cloture on the Mamet, Bell, Coloretti, Adler, Burrows, and Lopez nominations.
  1. Executive Calendar #892, Noah, Mamet, of California, to be Ambassador to Argentina
  2. Executive Calendar #631, Colleen Bell, of California, to be Ambassador to Hungary
  3. Executive Calendar #772, Nani A. Coloretti, of California, to be Deputy Secretary of HUD
  4. Executive Calendar #918, Robert Adler, of DC, to be Commissioner of the Consumer Protection Safety Commission
  5. Executive Calendar #1069, Charlotte, of DC, to be Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  6. Executive Calendar #2067, P. David Lopez, of Arizona, to be General Counsel of the Equal employment Opportunity Commission

By consent, the cloture votes on the Mamet and Bell nominations will occur at 5:30pm on Monday, December 1 and, if cloture is invoked, the confirmation vote will occur at 10:30am on Tuesday, December 2. We will continue to work on an agreement to consider the remaining nominations listed above in a timely fashion. If not agreement cannot be reached, we would process the nominations in the regular order, which is one at a time, with up to 8 hours for debate equally divided prior to a vote on confirmation of the nomination. The regular order is outlined in Tuesday's vote schedule.

Vote schedule:

Monday, December 1 at 5:30pm:

  1. Cloture on Executive Calendar #892, Noah, Mamet, of California, to be Ambassador to Argentina
  2. Cloture on Executive Calendar #631, Colleen Bell, of California, to be Ambassador to Hungary

Tuesday, December 2 :


Confirmation of Executive Calendar #892, Noah, Mamet, of California, to be Ambassador to Argentina

Confirmation of Executive Calendar #631, Colleen Bell, of California, to be Ambassador to Hungary

Cloture on Executive Calendar #772, Nani A. Coloretti, of California, to be Deputy Secretary of HUD

Up to 8 hours for debate equally divided

Confirmation of Executive Calendar #772, Nani A. Coloretti, of California, to be Deputy Secretary of HUD

Cloture on Executive Calendar #918, Robert Adler, of DC, to be Commissioner of the Consumer Protection Safety Commission

Up to 8 hours for debate equally divided

Confirmation of Executive Calendar #918, Robert Adler, of DC, to be Commissioner of the Consumer Protection Safety Commission

Cloture on Executive Calendar #1069, Charlotte, of DC, to be Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Up to 8 hours for debate equally divided

Confirmation of Executive Calendar #1069, Charlotte, of DC, to be Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Cloture on Executive Calendar #2067, P. David Lopez, of Arizona, to be General Counsel of the Equal employment Opportunity Commission