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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Friday, November 21, 2003

  • H.J.Res.79, making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2004 (to January 31, 2004)
  • S.Res.246, a resolution regarding the Grande Ronde Indians
  • S.1680, Defense Production Act (concur with the House message with a Dodd amendment)
  • S.1929, Mental Health Parity Extension
  • H.R.1683, Veterans COLA bill
  • H.R.100, Soldier, Sailor Relief Act (after amending with the text of S.1136)
  • S.1567, Financial Accountability at Homeland Security Department
  • S.1531, a bill regarding the minting of a coin to commemorate Chief Justice John Marshall
  • H.R.1821, a bill to award a congressional Gold Medal to Dr. Dorothy Height
  • H.R.421, Morris Udall Center
  • S.551, Southern Ute Air Quality
  • S.1279, Disaster Relief Act (with Inhofe amendment)
  • S.579, NTSB Reauthorization (with McCain-Hollings amendment)
  • H.Con.Res.106, American Jewish History Month
  • S.Res.272, designating American Education Week
  • H.R.3349, a bill to authorize COLA for Justices and Judges for FY2004
  • Conference Report to Accompany H.R.2417, Intelligence Authorization
  • Conference Report to Accompany H.R.1904, Healthy Forests
  • Conference Report to Accompany H.R.2115, FAA Reauthorization
  • S.1741, Women's History Museum