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Up to 8 (4 expected) Roll Call Votes This Evening

The Senate has reached an agreement to have additional votes regarding the Majority and Republican versions of the payroll tax bills.  Below is order of the remaining votes this evening.  There are 2 minutes prior to each vote and all votes will be 10 minutes in duration.

#1209 Nelson (FL) (Survivor Benefit plan) (expect a voice vote/unanimous consent)

#1080 Leahy (applicability requirements - military custody - detainees) (expect to be withdrawn)

1)      #1274 Sessions (clarification - disposition of detainees by the military);

#1087, Leahy (FOIA) (expect a modification - expect a voice vote/unanimous consent)

#1202, Udall (NM) (Buy America - solar devices) (expect a modification - expect a voice vote/unanimous consent)

2)      Passage of S.1867, DoD Authorization bill, as amended

3)      Motion to proceed to S.1917, the Middle Class Tax Cut Act (Casey) (60-vote threshold)

4)      Motion to proceed to S.1931, the Temporary Tax Holiday and Government Reduction Act (Heller) (60-vote threshold)