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Cloture filed on Hale, Kearney, Pappert, Orr, and Hezir nominations

Today, Senator Reid filed cloture on the following nominations:

Executive Calendar #1036, David Hale, of KY, to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Kentucky;

  1. Executive Calendar #1037, Mark Kearney, of PA, to be U.S .District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania;
  2. Executive Calendar #1038, Gerald Pappert, of PA, to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania;
  3. Executive Calendar #555, Franklin Orr, of CA, to be Under Secretary of Energy; and
  4. Executive Calendar #660, Joseph Hezir, of VA, to be Chief Financial Officer, Department of Energy.
As a reminder, last week cloture was filed on the Mamet, Bell, Coloretti, Adler, Burrows, and Lopez nominations and we need to process those before we can process the Hale, Kearney, Pappert, Orr, and Hezir nominations. Unless an agreement can be reached, the cloture vote on the Hale nomination would occur upon disposition of the Lopez nomination.