By consent, we have added the cloture vote on the Lopez nomination to the afternoon vote series and moved the start time to 4:10pm today. As a result, there will now be 4 roll call votes at 4:10pm today on confirmation of Coloretti and Adler nominations and cloture on Burrows and Lopez nominations.
4:10pm - 4 roll call votes:
- Confirmation of Executive Calendar #772, Nani A. Coloretti, of California, to be Deputy Secretary of HUD
- Confirmation of Executive Calendar #918, Robert Adler, of DC, to be Commissioner of the Consumer Protection Safety Commission
- Cloture on Executive Calendar #1069, Charlotte Burrows, of DC, to be Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Cloture on Executive Calendar 1067, P. David Lopez, of Arizona, to be General Counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
We also set up a couple series of votes at 10am and 3pm tomorrow. Those votes are as follows:
Wednesday, December 3
- Confirmation of Executive Calendar #1069, Charlotte Burrows, of DC, to be Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Confirmation of Executive Calendar 1067, P. David Lopez, of Arizona, to be General Counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Cloture on Executive Calendar #1036, David Hale, of KY, to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Kentucky;
- Cloture on Executive Calendar #1037, Mark Kearney, of PA, to be U.S .District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania;
- Cloture on Executive Calendar #1038, Gerald Pappert, of PA, to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania;
- Confirmation of Executive Calendar #1036, David Hale, of KY, to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Kentucky;
- Confirmation of Executive Calendar #1037, Mark Kearney, of PA, to be U.S .District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania;
- Confirmation of Executive Calendar #1038, Gerald Pappert, of PA, to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania;
Under the regular order, the Senate would then vote on the motion to invoke cloture on:
- Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #555, Franklin Orr, of CA, to be Under Secretary of Energy