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Amendments agree to

The following amendments were agreed to by unanimous consent:

Coats #2923, as modified (Indemnification of property transferees)

Webb #2943 (DOD law enforcement eligibility)

Casey #2997, as modified (transition Assistance Advisor Program)

Cardin #3023 (hazing in Coast Guard)

Wicker #3121, as modified (high performance computing exemption)

Portman #3142 (Embassy Attack investigation and report)

Webb #3144 (Stolen Valor)

Corker #3172, as modified (Syria report to Congress)

Lieberman #3276 (National Mall Liberty Fund DC)

Lautenberg #3298 (SoC on health care for retired service members)

Blunt #3278, as modified (absentee ballots)

Rockefeller #2996 (Maritime Administration Authorization)

Reid #3047, as modified (combat-related special compensation)