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Amendments to S.3254, the National Defense Authorization Act

The following amendments are pending to S.3254, the National Defense Authorization Act:
  • Kyl amendment #3123, as modified (US-Russia nuclear arms, missile defense, and long-range conventional strike system matters)
  • McCain amendment #3262, as modified (Syria)
The following amendments have been considered to S.3254, the National Defense Authorization Act:
  • McCain amendment #3051 (additional Marine Corps personnel for US embassies, consulates and other diplomatic facilities abroad) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Udall amendment #2985 (biofuels) Agreed to: 62-37
  • Gillibrand amendment #3016 (sexual assault in the military) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Murray amendment #3099 (mental health) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Leahy amendment #2955 (Dale Long Public Safety Officers' Benefits Improvement) Agreed to: 85-11
  • Kohl amendment #2888 (Post-deployment/Mobilization Respite Absence Program payment) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Manchin amendment #2924 (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System report) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Webb amendment #2949 (temporary increase in accumulated leave carryover extension) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Wyden amendment #2960 (reintrigration into civilian life for National Guard and Reserves report) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Sessions amendment #2963 (Posthumous honorary promotion of Sgt Paschal Conley) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Heller amendment #2969 (TRICARE Prime report) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Hoeven amendment #2991 (SoS on maintenance by US of triad of strategic nuclear delivery systems) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Barrasso amendment #3083 (readiness and flexibility of intercontinental ballistic missile force) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Cornyn amendment #3158 (vets backlog) Agreed to: 95-0
  • Hagan amendment #3095 (biofuel refinery) Agreed to: 54-41
  • Webb amendment #2948 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Sessions amendment #2962 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Inhofe amendment #2971 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Casey amendment #2986 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Murray amendment #2989 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Vitter amendment #3085 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Coburn amendment #3110 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Manchin amendment #3166 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Boxer amendment #2981 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Portman amendment #2995 (DoD Education) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Merkley amendment #3096, as modified (Afghanistan) Agreed to: 62-33
  • Blumenthal amendment #3124, as further modified (human trafficking overseas) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Inhofe amendment #2972 (SoC - Taps as official military song of remembrance) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Gillibrand amendment #3058, as modified (Autism) Agreed to: 66-29
  • Portman amendment #2956 (Educational transcripts) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Whitehouse amendment #3180 (recalcitrant cancers) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Lieberman amendment #3090, as modified (Fire Grants) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • McCaskill amendment #2929 (wartime contracting) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • McCaskill amendment #2942 (whistleblower expansions) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Boxer amendment #3230 (public diplomacy) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Hatch amendment #2966 (reauthorize and expand pilot program promoting certified depot workers one grade level) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Inhofe amendment #2973 (mental health counselor training) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Boxer amendment #2980 (report on contractor compensation costs) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Casey amendment #2994 (analysis of feasibility of recycling rare earth elements from fluorescent bulbs) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Toomey amendment #3059 (report on the establishment of a joint Armed Forces historical storage and preservation facility) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Inhofe amendment #3072 (training cost-effectiveness) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Vitter amendment #3086 (Air Force assessments on Joint Readiness Training) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Shaheen amendment #3098 (report on delays in suspension &amp debarment process) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Coburn amendment #3186 (Study on small arms and ammunition acquisition) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Coons amendment #3201 (Joseph Kony) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Durbin amendment #3199, as modified (rebel group sanctions) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Ayotte amendment #3245 (Guantanamo) Agreed to: 54-41
  • Feinstein amendment #3018 (Detainees) Agreed to: 67-29
  • Blumenthal amendment #2940 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Brown amendment #3036 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Toomey amendment #3064 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Levin amendment #3114 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Casey amendment #3193 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Risch amendment #3213 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Wicker amendment #3220 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Johanns amendment #3222 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Coburn amendment #3237 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Levin amendment #3243 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Lieberman amendment #3256 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Cornyn amendment #3260 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • McCain amendment #3261 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Kyl amendment #3271 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Webb amendment #3275 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Nelson (NE) amendment #3279 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Sessions amendment #3009 (Afghanistan) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Cardin amendment #3025 (civilian and contract workforce) Not Agreed to: 41-53
  • Menendez amendment #3232 (Iran Sanctions) Agreed to: Not Agreed to: 94-0
  • Nelson FL amendment #3073 (repeal requirement for reduction of survivor benefits plan survivor annuities by dependency and indemnity compensation) fell: Budget Act not waived: 58-34
  • McCain amendment #3052 (report on strategic posture in Asia Pacific) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Whitehouse amendment #3075 (SoS on DOD progress on implementing its Unique Identification initiative for tracking assets) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Snowe amendment #3133 (terminate authorization of National Veterans Business Development Corporation) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Sanders amendment #3182 (annual report on federal contracting fraud) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Sanders amendment #3183 (public database on DOD officials seeking defense contractor employment) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Warner amendment #3233 (report on the US-India defense trade relationship and SoS to encourage US-India defense trade activities) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Coburn amendment #3236 (info from departments and agencies to conduct defense business system investment reviews) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Sanders amendment #3248 (include geothermal heat pumps in federal renewable energy purchase requirements) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Rubio amendment #3283 (report on Bahrain Independent Committee of Inquiry) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Wyden amendment #2959 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Bingaman amendment #2984 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Grassley amendment #3079 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Barrasso amendment #3082 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Vitter amendment #3087, as modified Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Klobuchar amendment #3102 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Klobuchar amendment #3105 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Murkowski amendment #3135 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Warner amendment #3145 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Collins amendment #3196, as modified Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Barrasso amendment #3198 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Klobuchar amendment #3234 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Reid amendment #3244 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • McCain amendment #3247, as modified Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Alexander amendment #3258 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Levin amendment #3280 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Begich amendment #3290 Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Begich amendment #2954 (space available for travel widows) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Inhofe amendment #2978 (NETCENTS-2 contractors) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Blumenthal amendment #3015 (thefts from memorials) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Cardin amendment #3022 (Afghan refugees) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Cardin amendment #3024 (Coast Guard diversity requirements) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Tester amendment #3028 (transportation services for veterans) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Collins amendment #3042, as modified (report on Afghanistan insider attacks) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • McCain amendment #3054, as modified (Ship naming procedure) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Toomey amendment #3066 (sustained gravity flight training) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • McCain amendment #3091, as modified (new programs requested by DOD unforeseen) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Brown (MA) amendment #3160 (full-time Guard basic housing allowance fix) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Levin amendment #3164 (transfer of defense articles) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Rubio amendment #3176, as modified (Air Force Materiel Command collocation) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Warner amendment #3188 (Sense of Congress on the Joint Warfighting Analysis Center) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Bingaman amendment #3208 (promoting production of molybdenum-99 for medical isotope production) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Snowe amendment #3218 (remove anticipated reward price limits for contracts to women-owned small business) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Conrad amendment #3227 (Library of Congress Veterans Oral History Project Outreach) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Hatch amendment #3268 (Law enforcement officers retirement under FERS) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Coons amendment #3289 (amendments to termination of Pathology Institute under BRAC) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Paul amendment #3119 (enumeration of member of the Armed Forces in any tabulation of total population by the Secretary of Commerce) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Pryor amendment #3291 (veterans employment and training) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Collins amendment #3283 (prescription drug take back program) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Reed (RI) amendment #3292 (consumer credit for members of the AF) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Reed (RI) amendment #3165 (Housing assistance for veterans) Agreed to by voice vote
  • Coats amendment #2923 as modified (Indemnification of property transferees) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Webb amendment #2943 (DOD law enforcement eligibility) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Casey amendment #2997 as modified (transition Assistance Advisor Program) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Cardin amendment #3023 (hazing in Coast Guard) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Wicker amendment #3121 as modified (high performance computing exemption) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Portman amendment #3142 (Embassy Attack investigation and report) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Webb amendment #3144 (Stolen Valor) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Corker amendment #3172 as modified (Syria report to Congress) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Lieberman amendment #3276 (National Mall Liberty Fund DC) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Lautenberg amendment #3298 (SoC on health care for retired service members) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Blunt amendment #3278 as modified (absentee ballots) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Rockefeller amendment #2996 (Maritime Administration Authorization) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Reid amendment #3047 as modified (combat-related special compensation) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Kyl amendment #2927, as modified (National Nuclear Security Administration) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Akaka amendment  #3019 (state trade and export promotion grant program) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Toomey amendment #3062 (GAO reports) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Brown (OH) amendment #3113, as modified (military custody) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Rubio amendment #3175, as modified (Ticonderoga class cruisers) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Carper amendment #3241 (GAO Mandates Revision Act) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Carper amendment #3242 (Improper payments) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Thune amendment #3277, as modified (SoS spectrum reallocation) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Moran amendment #3285, as modified (conference/convention reports) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Bennet amendment #3226, as modified (troop to teacher program enhancements) Agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Hatch amendment #3117, as modified (air logistics  for system program managers) Agreed to by unanimous consent