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Wrap Up for Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Roll Call Votes
  1. Motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.34, Cures; agreed to: 94-5
  2. Motion to invoke cloture on the Conference Report to accompany S.2943, NDAA; invoked: 92-7.

Legislative Business

Began the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business S.3516, Veterans Health Care (McCain).


Executive Business

Confirmed the following


Executive Calendar #742 Brig. Gen. Robert N. Polumbo - to be Major General

Executive Calendar #743 Maj. Gen. Jerry D. Harris, Jr. - to be Lieutenant General

Executive Calendar #744 Lt. Gen. James M. Holmes - to be General


Executive Calendar #745 Rear Adm. William K. Lescher - to be Vice Admiral

Executive Calendar #746 Capt. Kelly A. Aeschbach - to be Rear Admiral (lower half)

Executive Calendar #747 Vice Adm. Dixon R. Smith - to be Vice Admiral


Executive Calendar #748 To be to be Brigadier General:

Col. Joel E. DeGroot

Col. Christopher M. Faux

Col. Robert J. Gregory, III

Col. Henry U. Harder, Jr.

Col. Eric W. Lind

Col. David D. Zwart

Executive Calendar #749 To be Major General:

Brig. Gen. David P. Baczewski

Brig. Gen. Timothy J. Cathcart

Brig. Gen. Brian T. Dravis

Brig. Gen. James O. Eifert

Brig. Gen. Richard W. Kelly

Brig. Gen. Christopher J. Knapp

Brig. Gen. Jon K. Mott

Brig. Gen. Clayton W. Moushon

Brig. Gen. Kerry L. Muehlenbeck

Brig. Gen. Howard P. Purcell

Brig. Gen. David P. San Clemente

Brig. Gen. Michael R. Taheri

Brig. Gen. Roger E. Williams, Jr.

Executive Calendar #750 Brig. Gen. Jesse T. Simmons, Jr. - to be Major General

Executive Calendar #751 To be Major General:

Brig. Gen. David M. McMinn

Brig. Gen. Ronald E. Paul

Executive Calendar #752 Col. William E. Dickens, Jr. - to be Brigadier General

Executive Calendar #753 To be Brigadier General:

Col. Brian K. Borgen

Col. Jeffrey S. Hinrichs

Col. Jay D. Jensen

Col. Bret C. Larson

Col. Todd J. McCubbin

Col. Patrice A. Melancon

Col. Ellen M. Moore

Col. Boyd C. L. Parker, IV

Col. Steven B. Parker

Col. Bryan P. Radliff

Col. Scott A. Sauter

Col. Constance M. Von Hoffman

Executive Calendar #754 Brig. Gen. Randolph J. Staudenraus - to be Major General

Executive Calendar #755 To be Major General

Brig. Gen. Craig L. LaFave

Brig. Gen. Pamela J. Lincoln

Brig. Gen. Donald R. Lindberg

Brig. Gen. Randall A. Ogden

Brig. Gen. James P. Scanlan

Brig. Gen. Patrick M. Wade

Executive Calendar #756 Col. Stephen C. Melton - to be Brigadier General


Executive Calendar #757 Maj. Gen. Paul E. Funk, II - to be Lieutenant General

Executive Calendar #758 Maj. Gen. Gary J. Volesky - to be Lieutenant General

Executive Calendar #759 Maj. Gen. James H. Dickinson - to be Lieutenant General

Executive Calendar #760 Brig. Gen. Patrick M. Hamilton - to be Major General

Executive Calendar #761 To be Major General:

Brig. Gen. Benjamin F. Adams, III

Brig. Gen. Wayne L. Black

Brig. Gen. Christopher M. Burns

Brig. Gen. Kurt S. Crytzer

Brig. Gen. Ivan E. Denton

Brig. Gen. James C. Ernst

Brig. Gen. Kevin R. Griese

Brig. Gen. Mark G. Malanka

Brig. Gen. Roy V. McCarty

Brig. Gen. Blake C. Ortner

Brig. Gen. Christopher J. Petty

Brig. Gen. Jessie R. Robinson

Brig. Gen. Steven T. Scott

Brig. Gen. Raymond F. Shields, Jr.

Brig. Gen. Bryan E. Suntheimer

Brig. Gen. Kirk E. Vanpelt

Brig. Gen. Timothy J. Wojtecki

Brig. Gen. Michael R. Zerbonia

Executive Calendar #762 Col. Mark A. Piterski - to be Brigadier General

Executive Calendar #763 Col. Ellis F. Hopkins, III - to be Brigadier General

Executive Calendar #764 To be Brigadier General:

Col. Michael A. Abell

Col. Joseph L. Biehler

Col. Janeen L. Birckhead

Col. Marti J. Bissell

Col. Scott J. Boespflug

Col. Raymond D. Bossert, Jr.

Col. Patrick R. Bossetta

Col. Thomas R. Bouchard

Col. Robert A. Boyette

Col. Kenneth E. Brandt

Col. Stanley E. Budraitis

Col. Anthony R. Camacho

Col. Mike A. Canzoneri

Col. Rita B. Casey

Col. Gregory P. Chaney

Col. Paul B. Chauncey, III

Col. Bobby L. Christine

Col. Edward J. Chrystal, Jr.

Col. William E. Crane

Col. Darrell W. Daniels

Col. Gregory T. Day

Col. Henry S. Dixon

Col. Scott A. Doust

Col. Dwaine E. Drummond

Col. Diane L. Dunn

Col. Robert A. Dwan

Col. Leonard H. Dyer, Jr.

Col. Steve D. Elliott

Col. Francis J. Evon, Jr.

Col. Kelly A. Fisher

Col. Robert C. Frick

Col. Robert B. Gaston

Col. Andrew L. Gibson

Col. Kerry W. Goodman

Col. William D. Griswold

Col. Dennis J. Humphrey

Col. Robert W. Intress

Col. Richard F. Johnson

Col. Jeffrey A. Jones

Col. Eric T. Judkins

Col. Kipling V. Kahler

Col. Moses Kaoiwi, Jr.

Col. Eric K. Little

Col. Zachary E. Maner

Col. James R. Mathews

Col. Mark A. Merlino

Col. Douglas R. Messner

Col. David J. Mikolaities

Col. Charles W. Moore

Col. Leah M. Moore

Col. Michel A. Natali

Col. Reginald G.A. Neal

Col. John M. Oberkirsch

Col. Stephen E. Osborn

Col. Rodney B. Painting

Col. Chad J. Parker

Col. Roger A. Presley, Jr.

Col. Jose J. Reyes

Col. Frank M. Rice

Col. Timothy L. Rieger

Col. James W. Ring

Col. John W. Rueger

Col. Adam R. Silvers

Col. Jeffrey D. Smiley

Col. Michael E. Spraggins

Col. Steven E. Stivers

Col. Mechelle M. Tuttle

Col. Jeffrey P. Van

Col. Thomas M. Vickers, Jr.

Col. Louis W. Wilham


Executive Calendar #765 Rear Adm. (lh) Mary M. Jackson - to be Vice Admiral

And all nominations on the Secretary's Desk.