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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Friday, December 08, 2006

  • H.R.1674, Tsunami Warning and Education Act
  • H.R.6131, L.U.S.T.
  • S.Res.630, Henry Clay Desk
  • S.1120, Hunger Free Communities (with Durbin amendment)
  • S.4113, Native American Methamphetamine
  • H.R.1245, Johanna's Law (with Enzi amendment)
  • H.R.3248, Lifespan Respite Care
  • H.R.6344, ONDCP Reauthorization
  • H.R.6345, FDIC
  • S.4115, Physician Assistance
  • H.R.6338, Geneva Emblems
  • H.R.4709, Physician Assistance
  • H.J.Res.102, Continuing Resolution until February 15, 2007
  • S.4121, Multiple Employer Pensions
  • H.R.798, Methamphetamine Remediation (with Smith amendment)
  • H.R.6164, NIH Reauthorization (with Enzi amendment)
  • H.Con.Res.503, Adjournment Resolution
  • H.R.6407, Postal Reform
  • Conference Report to Accompany H.R.5682, U.S.-India Nuclear Cooperation
  • H.Con.Res.502, Enrollment Correction
  • S.3421, Omnibus Veterans bill (concur in House Amendments)
  • S.Res.549, Modern Day Slavery
  • H.R.5483, Railroad Retirement
  • H.R.5948, Belarus Democracy
  • S.4055, Preserving Crime Victim's Restitution Act
  • S.1608, Safe Web (concur in House Amendment)
  • H.R.6429, Charitable Payments
  • House Message to S.362, Marine Debris (conur in House amendment)
  • House Message to S.2125, Congo Democracy (concur in House amendment)
  • S.895, Rural Water Supply Act (concur in House amendment)
  • House Message to S.214, U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Aquifer (concur in House amendment)
  • H.J.Res.101, Convening Date for the 110th Congress
  • H.R.4997, Physicians for Underserved Areas
  • H.R.6060, Department of State Authorities
  • H.Con.Res.495, Ways and Means History Printing
  • S.Res.631, Darfur Situation
  • S.Res.632, Transatlantic Markets
  • S.Res.633, Condemning Iran's Comments regarding the Holocaust
  • S.Res.634, honoring the life of Tom Carr, CRS Anaylyst
  • House Message to S.707, Premature Births (concur in House amendment)