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Agreement on Payroll Tax and Omnibus Appropriations

The Senate has reached an agreement with respect to the 2 month extension of payroll tax, UI, SGR, and other tax extenders, disaster aid funding, and the Omnibus Appropriations conference report,.

As a result of this agreement, senators should expect a series of up to 4 roll call votes at approximately 9:00am tomorrow in relation to the following items:

-          Reid substitute amendment to H.R.3630, 2 month extension of the payroll tax reduction, doc fix, and unemployment insurance (60-vote threshold);

((up to 15 minutes for debate))

-          Passage of H.R.3672, emergency disaster funding (60-vote threshold);

-          Adoption of H.Con.Res.94, a correcting resolution to provide offsets for the emergency disaster funding (60-vote threshold); and

-          Adoption of the conference report to accompany H.R.2055, Omnibus Appropriations (60-vote threshold).

The agreement is as follows:

At 9am, Saturday, December 17th, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of Calendar #257, H.R.3630. The Majority Leader be recognized to offer a Reid-McConnell substitute amendment agreed to by both Leaders - a two month extension of the payroll tax reduction, doc fix and unemployment insurance.

Following the reporting of the amendment, the Senate will proceed to vote in relation to the substitute. No amendments are in order to the substitute or the bill prior to the vote. The amendment is subject to a 60 vote threshold. If the substitute amendment is agreed to, the bill, as amended, will be read a third time and passed; if the Reid-McConnell substitute amendment is not agreed to, the Majority Leader will be recognized.

Upon disposition of H.R.3630, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of the conference report with respect to H.R.2055 (Omnibus appropriations). There will be 15 minutes of debate - 5 minutes each for Senators Inouye, Cochran and McCain.

Upon the use or yielding back of time, the conference report will be temporarily set aside and, notwithstanding the lack of receipt of the papers from the House with respect to H.R.3672, the Senate proceed to the consideration, en bloc, of the following items:  H.R.3672,  a bill regarding emergency disaster funding and H.Con.Res.94, a correcting resolution to provide offsets for the emergency disaster funding. There will be no amendments in order to the bill or the concurrent resolution prior to votes in relation to those measures. Following the reporting of the bill and the concurrent resolution, the Senate proceed to votes on the measures in the following order:

- Passage of H.R.3672;

- Adoption of H.Con.Res.94; and

- Adoption of the Conference Report to Accompany H.R.2055, the Omnibus Appropriations bill.

There will be two minutes equally divided prior to each vote. Each of the votes will be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold. No motions or points of order be in order prior to the votes other than budget points of order and the applicable motions to waive. Further, the cloture motion with respect to the motion to proceed to H.R.3630 was vitiated. Finally, the House be immediately notified of the Senate's action following the votes.