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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, December 20, 2001

  • H.R.1088, SEC Fees
  • S.1622, Extend period for unemployed benefits under the Stafford Disaster Relief & Emergency Assistance Act
  • S.1838, T.V. coverage of court proceedings of certain individuals (w/ Allen technical amendment)
  • S.1214, Port Security (w/Hollings-McCain-Graham (FL) substitute amendment)
  • H.R.3448, Bioterrorism (w/Frist-Kennedy substitute)
  • H.R.2884, Victims of Terrorism (concur w/further amendment)
  • H.J.Res.79, Continuing Resolution until January 10, 2001
  • H.J.Res.80, Convening of 2nd Session, January 23rd at 12 noon
  • H.R.3030, Extending pilot program
  • S.Con.Res.90, Korean Ancestry
  • S.J.Res.12, International Emergency Management
  • S.Con.Res.92, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
  • S.Res.83, Referral of bill to Court of Claims
  • H.R.3346, Higher Education Tuition
  • H.R.3334, designating name of Visitors Center for one of the victims of the crash of September 11
  • H.R.3248, Todd Beamer Post Office Designation
  • S.Res.194, Kazakhistan Anniversary
  • S.990, Wildlife Restoration (w/ Smith amendment)
  • H.R.3348, Naming for Secretary Schultz
  • S.1803, Security Assistance (w/Biden-Helms amendment)
  • S.1400, Border Cards
  • S.1608, Drinking Water Grants program
  • S.1637, Waive certain limitation for emergency funds (9/11/01)
  • H.Con.Res.211, Burma Resolution
  • H.R.1892, Family Sponsor Immigration Act
  • S.1864, Nurse Reinvestment Act
  • H.R.2751, Gold Medal to General Shelton
  • H.R.2215, D.O.J. Authorization (w/ Leahy-Hatch amendment)
  • S.1099, Assaulting Federal Judges
  • S.1834, Private Relief - James Benoit
  • H.R.3447, Veterans Benefits
  • H.R.3392, Solomon Cemetary Naming
  • S.392, Korean War Veterans
  • S.1888, Trademark Protection (Olympics)
  • H.R.2278, Non-immigrant Spouses Intracompany Transferees
  • H.R.2277, Non-immigrant Spouses Treaty Traders
  • H.R.2869, Brownfields/Small Business Liability
  • S.Res.195, S.Res.196, S.Res.197, S.Res.198, Congratulating various individuals for their fine work
  • H.Con.Res.292, Supporting the goals of the "Year of the Rose"