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Agreement on Emergency Supplemental Appropriations

The Senate has reached an agreement on amendments to the Supplemental Appropriations that results in up to 2 roll call votes now. The first vote will be on the motion to invoke cloture on Reid substitute amendment #3395 (Supplemental Appropriations). If cloture is invoked and Senator Toomey raises a point of order, the next vote would be on a motion to waive the budget point of order with respect to Reid substitute amendment #3395 (Supplemental).The first vote is a 10 minute roll call vote.

The agreement is as follows:

H.R.1, Supplemental for Sandy


Leader:            I ask unanimous consent that at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, after consultation with the Republican Leader, the Senate proceed to the cloture vote with respect to the substitute amendment to H.R.1; that if cloture is not invoked, the Majority Leader be recognized; that if cloture is invoked, Senator Toomey, or designee, be recognized for the purpose of raising a budget point of order against the pending substitute amendment; that if the point of order is raised, Senator Leahy, or designee, be recognized to move to waive the budget point of order; that there be up to ten minutes of debate prior to a vote in relation to the motion to waive;  that no other budget points of order be in order to the substitute or the underlying bill; further, that notwithstanding rule 22, the following amendments be in order:

- Cardin #3393 (surety bonds);

- Grassley #3348 (DOJ - vehicles);

- Feinstein #3421 (Army Corps projects), as modified with changes at the desk;

- Harkin #3426 (technical - grants);

- Landrieu #3415 (emergency reimbursement);

- Leahy #3403 (U.S. embassy security);

- McCain #3384 (Amtrak), as modified with changes at the desk;

- Bingaman #3344 (Palau);

- Coburn #3368 (cost sharing - Army Corps);

- Coburn #3369 (notification triggers);

- Coburn #3370, as modified and with two divisions - delinquent tax debts and fisheries);

- Coburn #3371 (severe disasters);

- Coburn #3382 (Merit based recovery contracts);

- Coburn #3383 (strike certain studies - Army Corps);

- Tester #3350 (Fire management);

- Paul #3376 (Non-application of Davis-Bacon);

- Paul #3410 (Offset)

- McCain #3355 (strike emergency forest restoration);

- Merkley #3367 (extend Agriculture disaster assistance programs), as modified;

- Lee #3373, as modified (special rules - retirement funds); and

- Coats #3391 (Republican alternative).

That no amendments be in order to any of these amendments prior to votes in relation to the amendments; that the amendments be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold; that there will be 30 minutes of debate equally divided in the usual form on each amendment with the exception of the following:

- 20 minutes equally divided on each of the Coburn amendments or divisions and the Lee amendment;

- 40 minutes equally divided on each of the Paul amendments; and

- one hour equally divided on the Coats amendment.

That upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate proceed to votes in relation to the amendments in the order listed; that there be two minutes of debate, equally divided, between the votes; that all after the first vote, be ten minute votes; further, that upon disposition of the pending amendments listed, the Senate proceed to vote in relation to the pending substitute amendment, as amended, if amended; that upon disposition of the substitute, the cloture motion on the underlying bill be withdrawn, the bill be read a third time and the Senate proceed to vote on passage of H.R.1, as amended, if amended.