The agreement is as follows:
Reid: I ask unanimous consent that if the House passes, and sends to the Senate, a bill which is identical to the text which is at the desk - a two month extension of the reduced payroll tax, unemployment insurance, TANF, and the Medicare payment fix - the bill be considered read three times and passed; the motions to reconsider be laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate; and any statements related to the bill be placed in the Record at the appropriate place, as if read; further, that when the Senate receives a message from the House requesting a conference with respect to H.R.3630, the Senate agree to the request for a conference and the Chair be authorized to appoint conferees on the part of the Senate with a ratio of 4 to 3; that if the House does not act by January 1, 2012, with respect to passage of a bill providing the two month extension, the Senate action with respect to a conference on H.R.3630 be vitiated.