- Wyden amendment #3439 (public reporting)
(2 minutes for debate prior to vote)
- Passage of H.R.5949, as amended, if amended
Upon disposition of the FISA bill, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.1, the legislative vehicle for the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill. Under the previous order, all post-cloture debate time will yielded back and the Senate will proceed to dispose of the remaining amendments in order which you will find listed below. Senators should expect roll call votes to occur throughout the day. There will be a break in voting when the Senate recesses from 12:30-2:15pm to allow for the caucus meeting.
- Cardin #3393(surety bonds);
- Grassley #3348 (DOJ - vehicles);
- Feinstein #3421 (Army Corps projects), as modified with changes at the desk;
- Harkin #3426 (technical - grants);
- Landrieu #3415 (emergency reimbursement);
- Leahy #3403 (U.S. embassy security);
- McCain #3384 (Amtrak), as modified with changes at the desk;
- Bingaman #3344 (Palau);
- (4 minutes for debate prior to vote) Coburn #3368 (cost sharing - Army Corps);
- (4 minutes for debate prior to vote) Coburn #3369 (notification triggers);
- (4 minutes for debate prior to vote) Coburn #3370, as modified and with two divisions - delinquent tax debts and fisheries);
- (4 minutes for debate prior to vote) Coburn #3371 (severe disasters);
- (4 minutes for debate prior to vote) Coburn #3382 (Merit based recovery contracts);
- (4 minutes for debate prior to vote) Coburn #3383 (strike certain studies - Army Corps);
- Tester #3350 (Fire management);
- (10 minutes for debate prior to vote) Paul #3376 (Non-application of Davis-Bacon);
- (10 minutes for debate prior to vote) Paul #3410 (Offset)
- (8 minutes for debate prior to vote) McCain #3355 (strike emergency forest restoration);
- Merkley #3367 (extend Agriculture disaster assistance programs), as modified;
- (10 minutes for debate prior to vote) Lee #3373, as modified (special rules - retirement funds);
- Coats #3391 (Republican alternative);
- Reid substitute amendment #3395
- Passage of H.R.1, as amended, if amended.