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Wrap Up for Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Roll Call Votes

1.Hatch amendment #1144 (Sanders side-by-side); agreed to: 89-9.
2.Sanders amendment #1119 (Medicaid); not agreed to: 47-51.
3.Nelson amendment #1150 (Medicare); not agreed to: 47-51.
4.Heller amendment #1146 (family tax credit); agreed to: 98-0.
5.Motion to waive re:Sanders amendment #1120 (no tax breaks to 1%); not agreed to: 46-52.
Legislative Business
Passed H.R.2989: to establish the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission.
Adopted S.Res.293: commemorating the 150thanniversary of Morgan State University.
No Executive Business