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Updated: votes delayed - 2 roll call votes at 11am Friday

Updated at 10:15am, 12/1:

The Senate has convened. Following the remarks of Senator Schumer and Senator Baldwin, the Senate will recess subject to the call of the chair. The republicans have a caucus meeting at 10:30am and we’re told they would like to reconvene around 11:00-11:15am and vote shortly thereafter. When the Senate reconvenes, we expect to have a short period of debate prior to votes on the Nelson motion to commit (middle class tax relief) and Baldwin motion to commit (carried interest).  

Original message:

The Baldwin (carried interest) and Nelson (middle class tax relief) motions to commit are pending. Following leader remarks tomorrow, there will be 20 minutes for debate equally divided on each motion. Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will vote on the motions. The votes are expected to occur around 11:00am, depending on how long leader remarks take.


Approx. 11:00am Friday, December 1--2 roll call votes:

              - Nelson motion to commit re: middle class tax cuts

              - Baldwin motion to commit re: carried interest