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Senate agrees to 4 resolutions

The Senate has convened and is in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. We continue to wait for the House to send us a continuing resolution to fund the government. The current CR expires on Friday, December 22, 2017.


By unanimous consent, the Senate adopted the following resolutions:


Calendar #277, S.Res.150, A resolution recognizing the threats to freedom of the press and expression around the world and reaffirming freedom of the press as a priority in efforts of the United States Government to promote democracy and good governance.


Discharged Armed Services and adopted S.Res.326, recognizing the crew of the San Antonio Rose, B-17F, who sacrificed their lives during World War II,  and honoring their memory during the week of the 75th anniversary of that tragic event.


Discharged Judiciary and adopted S.Res.345, Designates August 3, 2018, as National Ernie Pyle Day.


S.Res.362, Recognizing the service of the Los Angeles-class attack submarine the USS Jacksonville and the crew of the USS Jacksonville, who served the United States with valor and bravery.