Roll Call Votes
1. Collins motion to waive applicable points of order; agreed to: 91-8.
2. McConnell motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to HR 1370, CR through January 19, 2018; agreed to: 66-32.
Legislative Business
Passed the following Energy and Natural Resources Committee bills:
H.R. 1927
Calendar # 49, S. 35 (committee amdt)
Calendar # 54, S. 432
Calendar # 55, S. 466
Calendar # 62, H.R. 267
Calendar # 64, H.R. 560
Calendar # 72, H.R. 699
Calendar # 88, H.R. 863
Calendar # 148, H.R. 381
Calendar # 170, H.R. 954
H.R. 1242 – received from the House
H.R. 1306 – received from the House
H.R. 2611 – received from the House
Calendar # 125, S. 167 (committee amdt)
Adopted S.Res.364: congratulating the University of Central Missouri women’s soccer team for winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Women’s Soccer Championship at Swope Soccer Village in Kansas City, Missouri.
Adopted S.Res.365: congratulating the University of Nebraska-Lincoln volleyball team for winning the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Volleyball Championship.
Began the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business S.2274: Federal Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2017 (Cardin).
Passed H.R.2142: INTERDICT Act.
Passed Calendar #241, S. 1208: Strengthening the Department of Homeland Security Secure Mail Initiative Act.
Passed Calendar #261, H.R. 195: to amend title 44, United States Code, to restrict the distribution of free printed copies of the Federal Register to Members of Congress and other officers and employees of the United States, and for other purposes with a Grassley amendment. The Grassley/Tillis/Klobuchar/Schumer amendment includes the text of Kevin and Avonte’s Law.
Passed H.R.4661: to reauthorize the United States Fire Administration, the Assistance to Firefighters Grants program, the Fire Prevention and Safety Grants program, and the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant program, and for other purposes.
Adopted S.Res.327: Carbon Monoxide Awareness.
Passed Calendar #270, S.2070: Kevin and Avonte’s Law of 2017, with committee amendment and Grassley amendment.
Adopted S.Res.139: Baha’i minority human rights, with committee amendments.
Passed S.2030: Ceiling Fan Energy Conservation
Passed S.2273: discharge vessels
Adopted S.Res.336: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Awareness Month.
Passed H.R.518: EPS Improvement Act
Passed H.R.2228: Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act.
Passed H.R.2331: Connected Government Act.
Executive Business
Confirmed the following nominations:
Executive Calendar #502 - Katherine Brunett McGuire, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Labor.
Executive Calendar #554 - Kate S. O'Scannlain, of Maryland, to be Solicitor for the Department of Labor.
Executive Calendar #556 - Preston Rutledge, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Labor.
Executive Calendar #559 - Johnny Collett, of Kentucky, to be Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services.
PN 1196 - Douglas Webster, of Virginia, to be Chief Financial Officer, Department of Education.
Executive Calendar #299 - Robert Charrow, of Maryland, to be General Counsel of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Executive Calendar #545 - Timothy R. Petty, of Indiana, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior.
Executive Calendar #546 - Linda Capuano, of Texas, to be EIA Administrator.
Executive Calendar #576 - John G. Vonglis, of New York, to be Chief Financial Officer, Department of Energy.
PN1035 - Kenneth E. Allen, of Kentucky, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
PN1036 - A. D. Frazier, of Georgia, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
PN1037 - Jeffrey Smith, of Tennessee, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
PN1038 - James R. Thompson III, of Alabama, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
PN1172 - Christopher Caldwell, of Arkansas, to be Federal Cochairperson, Delta Regional Authority.
Executive Calendar #456 - Hester Maria Peirce to be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Executive Calendar #457 - Robert J. Jackson, Jr. to be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Executive Calendar #578 - Irving Dennis, of Ohio, to be Chief Financial Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Executive Calendar. #503 - Suzanne Israel Tufts, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Executive Calendar #577 - Leonard Wolfson, of Connecticut, to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Udall Foundation
PN 1286 - Tadd Johnson, to be a member of the Board of Trustees
PN 1287 and PN 1288 - Lisa Johnson-Billy, to be a member of the Board of Trustees
PN 1109 - Jon J. Rychalski of Montana to be Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Executive Calendar #525 - Kenneth J. Braithwaite, of Pennsylvania, to be Ambassador of the Untied States of America to the Kingdom of Norway.
Executive Calendar #526 - M. Lee McClenny, of Washington, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor to be Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Paraguay.
Executive Calendar #528 - Brock D. Bierman, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development.
Executive Calendar #530 - Christopher Ashley Ford, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (International Security and Non-Proliferation).
Executive Calendar #311, Robert P. Storch, to be Inspector General of National Security Administration.