The Chair laid before the
Senate a message to accompany H.R.1892. Senator McConnell moved to concur with
a further amendment (text of CR to March 23rd/caps agreement) and
filed cloture on the motion to concur. He then filled
the amendment tree and made a motion to refer the bill to the Committee on
Appropriations with instructions and filled the amendment tree.
As a result of cloture being
filed, there are filing deadlines for first and second degree amendments with
respect to H.R.1892 (CR/caps). The filing deadline for first degree amendments
is 1:00pm tomorrow, Thursday, and the filing deadline for second degree
amendments is one hour prior to the cloture vote, if cloture is invoked.
We expect the cloture vote on the motion to
concur during tomorrow’s session, Thursday 2/8.