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Up to 4 votes at 2:30pm--immigration

At 2:30pm, there will be up to 4 roll call votes on the following:
1.      Motion to invoke cloture on Durbin for Coons-McCain SA #1955 to SA #1958 (DREAM/border)
2.      Motion to invoke cloture on McConnell for Toomey SA #1948 to SA #1959 (sanctuary cities)
3.      Motion to invoke cloture on Schumer SA #1958 to the language proposed to be stricken, as modified (DREAM/border)
4.      Motion to invoke cloture on Grassley SA #1959 to H.R.2579 (substitute/president’s plan)

If cloture is invoked on any of the amendments, there would be up to 30 hours of debate prior to a vote on the amendment and then cloture on the next amendment.