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Objections to stabilization amendments / McConnell files cloture on omni appropriations

Senator Collins asked unanimous consent that when the Senate proceeds to the consideration of the House message to accompany HR 1625, omnibus appropriations bill, the Collins-Alexander amendment #2216 (market stabilization) be considered and agreed to.
Senator Murray objected.
Senator Murray asked unanimous consent that when the Senate proceeds to the consideration of the House message to accompany HR 1625, omnibus appropriations bill, the Murray amendment #2222 (market stabilization) be considered and agreed to.
Senator McConnell objected.
By voice vote, the Senate then turned to the consideration of the message to accompany H.R.1625, the omnibus appropriations bill. Senator McConnell moved to concur in the House amendment to H.R.1625, and filed cloture on the motion. He then filled the motion and amendment tree (with date change amendments).

Negotiations will now begin on when we can vote on the omnibus. There is an effort to vote tonight. If no agreement can be reached, the cloture vote on the motion to concur would occur one hour after the Senate convenes on Saturday. The current CR expires Friday night. Another message will be sent when any votes are scheduled.