The Senate
stands adjourned. There will be pro forma sessions on the following days:
Friday, May 25th, at
Tuesday, May 29th at
Thursday, May 31st at
Senate will convene at 3:00pm on Monday, June 4, 2018.
Following Leader remarks tomorrow, the Senate will proceed to
Executive Session for the consideration of Executive Calendar #542, Robert Earl
Wier, of Kentucky, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District
of Kentucky.
5:30pm, there will be a cloture vote on the Wier nomination.
addition to the Wier, Rodrigues, and Carney district judge nominations, the
Senate may consider the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Water Resources Development Act (WRDA),
the Marcus nomination (up to 10 hours debate and a vote), additional
nominations, and any other items on the Executive or Legislative Calendars
cleared for action.
has been filed on the following nominations:
Executive Calendar #542, Robert Earl Wier, of Kentucky, to be
United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky 2)
Executive Calendar #587, Fernando Rodriguez, Jr., of Texas, to be
United States District Judge for the Southern District of Texas 3)
Executive Calendar #625, Annemarie Carney Axon, of Alabama, to be
United States District Judge for the Northern District of Alabama
Agreement of Marcus nomination
At a time to be
determined by the Majority Leader in consultation with the Democratic Leader,
the Senate will proceed to Executive session for the consideration of the
following nomination: Executive Calendar #603, Exec. Cal. #603 - Kenneth L.
Marcus, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Department of
will be 10 hours of debate equally divided in the usual form and that following
the use or yielding back of time the Senate vote on the nomination with no
intervening action or debate; that if confirmed, the motion to reconsider be
considered made and laid upon the table; the President be immediately notified
of the Senate’s action, that no further motions be in order, and that any
statements relating to the nomination be printed in the Record.