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Wrap Up for Thursday, June 21, 2018

Roll Call Votes
1.      Bennet amendment #2983 (veterans training); agreed to: 96-0.
2.      Alexander motion to table Lee amendment #3021, as modified (WOTUS); tabled: 62-34.
Legislative Business
Concurred in the House message to accompany S.1091, to establish a Federal Advisory Council to support grandparents raising grandchildren.
Adopted S.Res.551: expressing support for the designation of the week of June 18 through June 22, 2018, as “National GI Bill Commemoration Week”.
Completed the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business S.3093: to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to address the protective custody of alien children accompanied by parents, and for other purposes (Tillis).
Completed the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business S.3100: to establish the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area in the State of Washington (Cantwell).
Executive Business

Confirmed PN1641, Jean Carol Hovland, of South Dakota, to be Commissioner of the Administration for Native Americans, Department of Health and Human Services