1.Young #4080
(refueling non-United States aircraft); agreed to: 58-41.
2.Cornyn #4096, as modified (military operations
and cooperation with Israel); agreed to: 99-0.
3.Cotton #4098
(Houthi attacks outside Yemen); not agreed to: 45-54.
4.Passage of
S.J.Res.54, Yemen, as amended; passed: 56-41.
Passed S.3749: to amend the
Congressional Accountability Act to reform procedures for the initiation,
review, and resolution of claims, including protections against sexual
Passed by voice vote S.J.Res.69, supporting a diplomatic solution in Yemen
and condemning the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.
Passed Calendar #698, H.R.2606, with Lankford amendment: Stigler Act
Passed S.2599: Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Reservation Restoration Act.