The Senate stands adjourned to convene for pro forma sessions on with no business conducted on the following dates and times:
Friday, March 15th at 11:00am;
Tuesday, March 19th at 9:30am; and
Thursday, March 21st at 2:10pm.
When the Senate adjourns on Thursday, it will next convene at 3:00pm on Monday, March 25, 2019.
On Monday, following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #20, Bridget S. Bade, of Arizona, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit. At 5:30pm, the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Bade nomination.
As a reminder, in addition to the Bade nomination, Senator McConnell has filed cloture on the following:
1. Motion to proceed to Calendar #27, S.J.Res.8: recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal (McConnell)
2. Motion to proceed to Calendar #15, H.R.268: making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019.