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Schedule for Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Wednesday, October 30, 2019.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of S.J.Res.52, providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to "State Relief and Empowerment Waivers".


At 12:15pm, all remaining debate time will expire, and the Senate will vote on passage of S.J.Res.52. Upon disposition of the joint resolution, the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Shelby substitute amendment #948 (CJS/Ag/Interior/THUD appropriations).


As a reminder, Senator McConnell has also filed cloture on the underlying appropriations bill H.R.3055, and on the motion to proceed to H.R.2740, (Defense/LaborH/Energy and Water/State, Foreign Ops appropriations).


Amendments Pending to H.R.3055

Shelby substitute amendment #948 (Senate texts of CJS, Ag, Interior, and THUD appropriations)

McConnell amendment #950 (date change)


Wednesday, October 30th at 12:15pm – 2 roll call votes:

1.       Passage of S.J.Res.52, providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to "State Relief and Empowerment Waivers".

2.       Motion to invoke cloture on Shelby substitute amendment #948 (Senate texts of CJS, Ag, Interior, and THUD appropriations) to H.R.3055.