No Roll Call Votes
1. Passage of S.J.Res.52: providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to "State Relief and Empowerment Waivers"; not passed: 43-52.
2. Motion to invoke cloture on Shelby substitute amendment #948 (Senate texts of CJS, Ag, Interior, and THUD appropriations) to H.R.3055; invoked: 88-5.
Legislative Business
The Senate reached an agreement that on Thursday, October 31st, the following amendments to H.R.3055 be called up and adopted en bloc:
Tester #953 (Ag Research)
Smith #1023 (Rental Assistance)
Hirono #1037 (Orchids)
Brown #1088 (1890 Institutions) as modified
Baldwin #1099 (Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network)
Murkowski #1121 (Ocean Ag Working Group)
Thune #1133 (Tribal Students Program)
Capito #1143 (Rural Decentralized Water Systems)
Smith #1149 (Rural Housing Service)
Rosen #1161 (Distance Learning and Telemedicine)
McSally #1163 (Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance)
Reed #1217 (Eastern Equine Encephalitis)
Stabenow #1223 (Urban Ag and Innovation Production)
Cornyn #1224 (Food Insecurity)
Warner #951 (Ashanti Alert Act)
Capito #1077 (Select USA)
Cantwell #1094 (Supercomputer Capacity)
Toomey #1129 (Report on Automotive Imports)
Durbin #1146 (Opioids)
Gardner #1150 (COPS)
McSally #1234 (Animal Welfare)
Sinema #1025 (Tribal Detention Facilities)
Ernst #1079 (Contractor Payments)
Ernst #1081 (OMB Report)
Cornyn #1151 (Waste Water)
Cardin #1159 (Holocaust Museum)
Rosen #1160 (Lake Tahoe)
Thune #1162 (Indian Tribes)
Peters #1182 (Geographic Programs)
Cornyn #1193 (Smithsonian Latino Center)
Menendez #1199 (Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers)
Blunt #1211 (African American History Commission)
McSally #1215 (Four Forest Restoration Initiative)
Collins #1220 (Women’s History Initiative)
Schumer #1227 (Outdoor Recreation)
Hassan #956 (Rental Payments)
Collins #1002 (Technical Correction)
Shaheen #1005 (Emergency Medical Kits)
Kaine #1010 (Remote Tower Pilot Program)
Cortez Masto #1061 (Smart Cities)
Cortez Masto #1062 (ITS Program Advisory Committee)
Heinrich #1114 (HUD VASH)
Shaheen #1130 (Manufactured Home Communities)
Hoeven #1214 (Flight Schools-Vets)
Portman #1235 (Family Unification Program HUD)
Adopted S.Res.377: Nuclear Weapons Program Workers.
Adopted S.Res.389: National Dyslexia Awareness Month.
Adopted S.Res.390: honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Senator Kay Hagan.
Completed the Rule 14 process to place H.R.4334, Dignity in Aging Act of 2019, on the Legislative Calendar of Business.
Began the Rule 14 process to place S.2755, to require a report on the plan to secure the enduring defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, on the Legislative Calendar of Business.
No Executive Business