Roll Call Votes
1. Adoption of Lee Amendment #1209 (LWCF); not adopted: 29-64.
2. Adoption of Jones Amendment #1141, as modified (Rostenkowski Test); adopted: 82-11.
3. Passage of H.R.3055, as amended, minibus II (cjs/thud/interior/ag, 60-vote threshold); passed: 84-9.
4. Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.2740, minibus appropriations I (defense/laborH/foreign ops/energy and water); not agreed to: 51-41.
Legislative Business
Passed H.R.2423: to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, giving women in the United States the right to vote.
Adopted S.Res.345: recognizing National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Adopted S.Res.399: designating November 2, 2019, a “National Bison Day”.
Adopted S.Res.400: recognizing October 2019 as “National Women’s Small Business Month”.
Adopted S.Res.401: recognizing the month of October 2019 as Filipino American History Month and celebrating the history and culture of Filipino Americans and their immense contributions to the United States.
Adopted S.Res.402: honoring the life, work, and legacy of Toni Morrison.
Adopted S. Res.403: designating October 2019 as “National Farm to School Month”.
Adopted S.Res.394: honoring the members of the military and intelligence community who carried out the mission that killed Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi and for other purposes.
Adopted the following amendments to H.R.3055 en bloc:
Tester #953 (Ag Research)
Smith #1023 (Rental Assistance)
Hirono #1037 (Orchids)
Brown #1088 (1890 Institutions) as modified
Baldwin #1099 (Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network)
Murkowski #1121 (Ocean Ag Working Group)
Thune #1133 (Tribal Students Program)
Capito #1143 (Rural Decentralized Water Systems)
Smith #1149 (Rural Housing Service)
Rosen #1161 (Distance Learning and Telemedicine)
McSally #1163 (Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance)
Reed #1217 (Eastern Equine Encephalitis)
Stabenow #1223 (Urban Ag and Innovation Production)
Cornyn #1224 (Food Insecurity)
Warner #951 (Ashanti Alert Act)
Capito #1077 (Select USA)
Cantwell #1094 (Supercomputer Capacity)
Toomey #1129 (Report on Automotive Imports)
Durbin #1146 (Opioids)
Gardner #1150 (COPS)
McSally #1234 (Animal Welfare)
Sinema #1025 (Tribal Detention Facilities)
Ernst #1079 (Contractor Payments)
Ernst #1081 (OMB Report)
Cornyn #1151 (Waste Water)
Cardin #1159 (Holocaust Museum)
Rosen #1160 (Lake Tahoe)
Thune #1162 (Indian Tribes)
Peters #1182 (Geographic Programs)
Cornyn #1193 (Smithsonian Latino Center)
Menendez #1199 (Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers)
Blunt #1211 (African American History Commission)
McSally #1215 (Four Forest Restoration Initiative)
Collins #1220 (Women’s History Initiative)
Schumer #1227 (Outdoor Recreation)
Hassan #956 (Rental Payments)
Collins #1002 (Technical Correction)
Shaheen #1005 (Emergency Medical Kits)
Kaine #1010 (Remote Tower Pilot Program)
Cortez Masto #1061 (Smart Cities)
Cortez Masto #1062 (ITS Program Advisory Committee)
Heinrich #1114 (HUD VASH)
Shaheen #1130 (Manufactured Home Communities)
Hoeven #1214 (Flight Schools-Vets)
Portman #1235 (Family Unification Program HUD)
Completed the Rule 14 process to place S.2755, to require a report on the plan to secure the enduring defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, on the Legislative Calendar of Business.
Executive Business
Executive Calendar #468 – Col. Andrew C. Hilmes to be Brigadier General
Executive Calendar #469 – Maj. Gen. James B. Hecker to be Lieutenant General
Executive Calendar #470 – Capt. Gregory C. Huffman to be Rear Admiral (lower half)
Executive Calendar #471 – Rear Adm. Bruce L. Gillingham to be Rear Admiral
Executive Calendar #472 – Maj. Gen. Mark C. Schwartz to be Lieutenant General
Executive Calendar #473 – Col. Karl Konzelman to be Brigadier General
Executive Calendar #474 – Maj. Gen. Randy A. George to be Lieutenant General
Executive Calendar #475 – Maj. Gen. Edwin J. Deedrick, Jr. to be Lieutenant General
Executive Calendar #476 – Lt. Gen. James E. Rainey to be Lieutenant General
Executive Calendar #477 – Vice Adm. Charles A. Richard to be Admiral
And all nominations on the Secretary's Desk in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps and Navy.