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Schedule for Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Thursday, November 7, 2019.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #458, Lee Rudofsky, of Arkansas, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Arkansas, post-cloture.


At 11:45am, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the Rudofsky (AR district judge) and Wilson (PA district judge) nominations.


Upon disposition of the above nominations, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #464, William Nardini, of Connecticut, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit.


At 1:45pm, all post-cloture time on the Nardini nomination will expire and the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nomination.


Thursday November 7th at 11:45am – 2 roll call votes:

1.       Confirmation of Executive Calendar #458, Lee Rudofsky, of Arkansas, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Arkansas

2.       Confirmation of Executive Calendar #365, Jennifer Wilson, of Pennsylvania, to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania


Thursday, November 7th at 1:45pm – 1 roll call vote:

1.       Confirmation of Executive Calendar #464, William Nardini, of Connecticut, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit