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Wrap Up for Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Roll Call Votes

1.       Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the conference report to accompany S.1790, NDAA; agreed to: 82-12.

2.       Adoption of the conference report accompanying S.1790, NDAA; agreed to: 86-8.


Legislative Business

Passed H.R.777: Debbie Smith Reauthorization Act of 2019.


Passed S.2774: Veteran Treatment Court Program.


Adopted S.Res.546: recognizing and celebrating the 200th anniversary of the entry of Alabama into the Union as the 22nd State.


Executive Business

Cloture has been filed on Executive Calendar #550, Stephen E. Biegun, of Michigan, to be Deputy Secretary of State. Absent an agreement, that cloture petition will ripen upon disposition of the appropriations mini-buses or one hour after the Senate convenes on Thursday, whichever is later.