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Wrap Up for Friday, January 31, 2020

Roll Call Votes

1.      Shall it be in order to consider and debate under the impeachment rules any motion to subpoena witnesses or documents; not agreed to: 49-51.

2.      Motion to table Schumer amendment #1295, to subpoena Mulvaney, Bolton, Duffy, Blair and White House, OMB, DOD and State Department documents; tabled: 53-47.

3.      Motion to table Schumer amendment #1296, to subpoena John Bolton; tabled: 51-49.

4.      Motion to table Schumer amendment #1297 to subpoena John Bolton; provided further that there be one day for a deposition presided over by Chief Justice, and one day for live testimony before the Senate, both of which must occur within 5 days of adoption of the underlying resolution; tabled: 51-49.

5.      Motion to table Van Hollen amendment #1298, to require the Chief Justice to rule on motions to subpoena witnesses and documents, and to rule on any assertion of privilege; tabled: 53-47.

6.      Adoption of McConnell S.Res.488, providing for procedures concerning the Articles of Impeachment; agreed to: 53-47.


No Legislative Business


No Executive Business