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Wrap Up for Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Roll Call Votes

1.      Wyden-Daines amendment #1583 (re: Sec. 215 Web Browser/Search History Data Collection Prohibition); not agreed to: 59-37.

2.      Lee-Leahy amendment (re: Amicus Reform and Exculpatory Evidence); agreed to: 77-19


No Legislative Business

Passed S.2661 with Gardner amendment: National Suicide Hotline Designation Act.


Passed H.R.943: to authorize the Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to support Holocaust education programs, and for other purposes.


Adopted S.Res.573: honoring the life and achievement of Pro Football Hall of Fame Coach Donald Francis Shula and expressing condolences to his family on his passing.


Adopted S.Res.574: designating the week of April 18, 2020, through April 26, 2020 as “National Park Week”.


Adopted S.Res.577: designating the week of May 10 through May 16, 2020, as ‘‘National Police Week’’.


No Executive Business